It's been a long time. I shouldn't have left you...without a dope beat to step to, step to, step to, step to, step to, step to, step to. What would you do to get to me...
My bad. I really miss Aaliyah:-( I wonder what her career would look like today? Would Damon Dash be married and now going through a divorce from a woman he never looked happy with? Would the female R&B/Pop industry be saturated with half-talented women? Would Ashanti's first cd ever had made it into stores? By the way, who actually owns an Ashanti cd? The child went platinum with nearly each release and I don't know a single soul who owns any of her music, not even a single song download from iTunes. Things that make you go hmm!
But my folks it has been a long time. I haven't made a real entry in nearly a week. My schedule got busy and all of a sudden a week has almost gone by. This rapid succession of events in my schedule and my inability to effectively manage the time has me thinking about life in general. Ever notice that the older we get, the faster time passes? At some point last year or maybe it was the year before, I'd told myself and maybe a few others that life only seems to pass to quickly if you aren't actively engaged in having the life you want. When you are in a job that's not your desired career, you don't yet have the social life you want, or when you in general feel like you are missing out on something, time passes way too fast. It seems to pass fast because you tell yourself you are running out of time to acquire the things in life you really want.
This line of thinking has turned out to be an exercise in error. I'm slowly but surely building the life I want. I have a great group of friends, a family who hasn't disowned me, a job that still pays the bills, I'm moving towards my purpose driven work, and I had a major breakthrough tonight (more on that later).
I'm beginning to get nervous that I'll be on a constant pace of doing and going, and won't have time to fully appreciate and enjoy it all. Thank goodness for my thankful lists. Tonight deserves more than 5 since I haven't shared my appreciation in several days.
1. I had a chance to catch up with several segments of friends. Don't try to act like all of your friends are from the same segment.
2. My Favorite Person In The Whole Wide World is starting to feel better. She had some sort of cold, so yay for her!!
3. Even though my hotel room on Monday night was next to a frisky couple, I was able to fall asleep just fine because I had bigger more pleasant things on my mind.
4. I didn't have to sit and listen to professional commuters yack on their cellphones or some overwhelmed mom fuss at her toddler on my train ride to Philly.
5. I'm now officially a member of CCC.
6. I discovered a tasty new (to me) restaurant in Brooklyn.
7. Songbird has agreed that we can watch the TP movie on dvd as to not have anyone see me walking into a movie theater to watch it. Thank the Lord for small favors.
8. Beans reminded HighStepper and I that we shouldn't let the city change us. Also, giving us a new phrase complete with suggested body language to complement it was icing on the cake.
9. Even though I had 2 cases of wine to ship to my boss and it proved to be a hassle, I didn't get frustrated and just start downing the things myself.
10. IT guy told me he's ordered my new office computer.
11. Instead of being frustrated with myself and giving up on the blog because I didn't make entries for a few days, I've come back to it.
12. I still feel good about doing the blog and it doesn't feel like a chore.
13. I had my first chemical peel tonight and thus far, my face hasn't melted away.
14. I didn't strike the aesthetician when she suggested I try Botox (note: I've typed this one with my lips pursed because this could have very easily note have been so.).
15. I'm well on the rode to conquering my fear of talking to strangers.
Time seems to fly regardless of what you're doing. If you're saddened by your personal state of affairs, you feel like life is passing you by. If you're where you want to be, you want to make it last. I've recently made the decision to be appreciative for those days that seem to stretch out forever. I choose to look at them as more minutes of the day to do God's work, catch up with loved ones or do what makes me feel good about myself. It's all about perspective.
Sometimes it depends on if time is being measured by progress or productivity. When I am making progress (growing) then it seems to be very kind to me. It seems to be patient; it seems to slow down and is perfectly timed with my progress. When I am being productive it seems to just fly by. Although, even then it is kind to me because it seems to yield the gift of more time. As if the additional time (I find in my day) is the result of being a good steward with the initial time I was given.
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