Thursday, April 9, 2009

Told You I Had Progressed

So Bowler Boy told me today that my site needed to be jazzed up with graphics or something. I'm working on it but it takes time. He says he sees too many words, and for those of you who know Bowler Boy, you know he despises words and reading. Thank you BB for continuing to tune in anyway!

I'll try to keep this short. After years of reading self-help, business success, networking and people management books and articles, I finally decided to test out some of what I learned. In the past when faced with a networking opportunity, I would glide along the sidelines of the room waiting for someone to come over and talk to me. if I didn't have an introduction from someone else, I wouldn't have ever opened my mouth. This usually happens when I'm supposed to be advancing my personal agenda. If I had to network on the company time, it didn't seem as daunting and I did it much easier. Notice I didn't say with ease, just easier than if I had to do it to further my personal endeavors. In fact, I don't recall having gained a friend in my life wherein I spoke to them first. It has mostly been someone being brave enough to approach me. Tonight that ended.

In preparation for my first Toastmaster's meeting tomorrow and an event I was supposed to attend last night, I went to the TM website to gather info. I ran across an article on Mingling. I implemented some of the tips and whaddaya know? I actually had an enjoyable time at a networking event. I made what I believe are good contacts, I was engaging and witty. You know, a few of the things I am naturally, but rarely do I show it to strangers. I just wanted to share that. Good night folks.


Setta B. said...

Oh my. This blog may not be a good idea. You certainly have lots of compliments for yourself these days. I'll go along with it though. Yes, you are witty and engaging! I'm sure the world will see more of that after your Toastmaster meetings. I just pray that the rest of us have the strength to handle you.

Shumeca said...

Satta, she is just warming up though!