For those of you who truly count me as a friend, you are already well aware of my feelings about the quality of Tyler Perry movies. I respect the man's hustle and dedication, but I'm certain the substance and structure of his movies could be greatly improved. Now in terms of substance I can live with, I have Bishop T. D. Jakes, a man who never fails to amaze me with his wisdom and insight into scripture and it's implications on our culture. Imagine then my surprise when flipping through the pages of my latest Essence magazine (I love MObama but I'm tired of seeing her and her husband on magazine covers), I see an ad for Bishop Jakes' last movie. Please note the seal of approval quote I've cropped out and it's author! I nearly clutched my chest, stumbled backwards and told Elizabeth I was coming to join her. I saw the movie in the theaters and didn't demand my money back like I've wanted to do in a TP flick, but I did think I could've waited until it was on Netflix. Is it possible that by getting an endorsement from TP it was a clear signal that it was already broken? I think Songbird is out to destroy me!!! Explain this HighStepper!!!!

Webster's thesaurus lists 'important' as a synonym for 'powerful'.
It is my conviction that Mr. Perry was really exclaiming that "Not Easily Broken" is an important movie. In some regard, it was.
It IS important for folks to see a married couple go through the ebbs and flows of marriage and survive it all.
Mr. Perry's description was precise. With roughly 60% of marriages ending in divorce, the message of commitment and perserverance emphasized through "Not Easily Broken" is...dare I say it...powerful!
I concur! and am proud to admit that I sincerely liked the movie and it's over simplified plot. After dealing with the hustle and bustle everyday, I like having things spelled out for me sometimes. Sometimes I want to be able to know the entire plot of the movie from the opening scene. Like highstepper says, it was a much needed portrayal of working through the marital relationship. It's not all just wedded bliss.
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