Thursday, July 2, 2009

It Always Comes Down To Race

I admit that I'm a Michelle Obama stan. But my admiration of her does not render me incapable of speaking out against things she may say or do that I don't agree with. I assume any person of color is able to express their pride in the achievements of the First Family as well as their dismay with some decisions they've made or will make. So why is it a question as to whether trained journalists can be objective in their dealings with the East Wing? A columnist for the Washington Post poses this very question. When white journalist cover white politicians and celebrities is unbalanced reporting a threat? If Laura Bush gave Katie Couric an interview would it raise an eyebrow? Quite frankly, I'm sick of people acting like African-Americans can't be balanced in their views of the First Family. Heck, there are plenty who didn't vote for Obama and quite frankly can't stand him (trust me his smile didn't win everyone over). We are not a blind people nor are we all thinking with one collective brain. News flash: contrary to what BET will have you to believe many of us are capable of thinking on our own, forming complete sentences, shunning Ebonics, being consummate professionals at our crafts, and the list goes on. See, we're just like everyone else.

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