Thursday, May 14, 2009

It's Oh So Long

I've had all sorts of reasons to be thankful, too numerous to count. However, I'll try...
  1. Seeing pics of the Tot makes me anticipate my trip home this summer all the more. She is possibly the funniest person I know. Cajun Spice, Condoleezza, and I often run around quoting her. At 30, should we find the sayings of a 3 yr old quotable? 
  2. Condoleezza started her LSAT prep classes.  
  3. I had a blast this past weekend with Cajun Spice to celebrate her accomplishment! 
  4. I spoke to my Loan Officer (childhood loan officer that is) on my way down to Maryland and he is hysterical. Why do I forget how funny he is? I truly thought the Amtrak folks were gonna put me off the train. The poor baby doesn't even realize how funny he is. IMO: that's the best kind of funny to be! 
  5. Favorite Person got an iPhone so pictures are coming fast and furious. See what a difference a data package can make? 
  6. More wine arrived in the office yesterday and thank the Lord it was only 1 box!!!!!!
  7. Apparently TT truly believes she's made of brown sugar. Anything the kids can do to boost their self-esteem I'm all for! 
  8. Bowler Boy signed the lease on his 1st solo apartment. After years of being someone's roommate (sometimes randomly chosen from Craigslist) he is finally going to live on his own. It only took crossing an ocean to do so! Free lodging in Europe OWA OWA!!! 
  9. In the braid shop last week I watched a Nigerian movie and I do declare they are a bit more entertaining than I'd like to admit (maybe TP should watch and learn). However, I can't figure out why everyone is named after an adjective: Lucky, Happy, Beautiful, etc. Oh and there's a whole series on a character named Beyonce!! 
  10. I spoke to the Silver Fox yesterday and each time I tried to get off the phone, he'd say ok and then launch a whole new conversation. Rather than be annoyed, I was actually flattered by it. I don't call him nearly enough. I miss him:-( 

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