- Favorite Person sent me angry emails all day that I thought were he-larry-us. Favorite Person doesn't do a good job of trying to have attitude. I never believe her. Years of her cheerleading have left me cynical that she can actually be attitudinal unprovoked.
- I think Favorite Person has a possible subject for an episode of "Snapped" in her licensing class. Apparently, one woman kept asking about felonies and married couples getting life insurance. The lady became excited to learn that you didn't need your spouse's signature to get a policy on them! Yay for accidental cyanide dropping in your red beans!! I guess...
- As I was typing the last post, I kept hearing banging in the hall. I thought it was the Latin Ike and Tina who live next door to me, but I get a FAIL. It was the fire dept. beating on the door of the elderly couple across the hall. They began to yell out "Fire Department," but it took my neighbors forever and a day to open the door. I opened mine to find 4 firemen in uniform with a sledgehammer and helmets standing in the hall. It was clear beyond their verbal identification who they were, but when my neighbor opened his door he said, "Who are you?!" I tell you no lie. This is all factual.
- I dropped clothes off at the cleaners this morning and before walking away from the counter, I checked the pocket on my dress to find cash in it. As I was pulling it out, the employee asked, "Oh is that YOUR money?" Ah, who else would it be for?!
- Cajun Spice called to make sure I was prepping myself to leave out on Thursday night or so she claimed. When she began talking, I was able to quickly identify that she was just bored and not concerned in the least bit about my dirty laundry. But after being called out she said, "So! I'm trying to fall asleep and I can't!" Yep, cause that's a good comeback to a friend telling you they know they're being used!
I'm truly thankful that I had these reasons and more to laugh today.
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