Saturday, February 20, 2010

Talking To Boys

This afternoon, I called my 3 nephews who are 11 and 13 (there's a set of twins in the mix) to remind them that I'd be in Atlanta next weekend to visit them. We always have interesting exchanges. Here is but a taste:

  • Upon learning that I'm still wearing an afro, the 13 yr old says, "An afro? Hmm...You still doing that?" I tell him yes and tell him I'm sure he sees women in ATL with naturals. His response, "No, not really. Can't you straighten it anymore?....I like to see women with straight hair because it's pretty." I tell him this isn't the only form of pretty and that he shouldn't buy into the stereotype of beauty. "Aw man. I'm not stereotyping. I'm just saying straight hair looks better. I like women with straight hair is all I'm saying."
  • One of the 11 yr old twins asks, "What was the last video game you played Auntie?" When I tell him it was a Sega Genesis, he says, "A Sega? A what? Isn't that like from the 80's?" Actually young man, it is very much so a game from the 90's. "Well, what sort of game did you play on it?" I tell him Sonic the Hedgehog. "Sonic, yeah I remember him back in the days. There are new games now." Thanks mister, I wasn't aware. Insert side eye here!
  • Same 11 y.o. "Auntie, I've started a journal and I'm going to have it published one day!" I congratulate him and he begins to read some of his entries to me. He had an entry in which he mentions Rihanna and I ask if he likes her. "Not really. I think she's pretty, but she can't sing worth a lick. But I sure like looking at her. She has a nice body." Yeeeeppppp...
  • Same 11 y.o. once again (the other twin doesn't offer as much good material as this one and his older brother) sheds light on things for me. "You don't have cable? Then what do you do?" This is after learning that I haven't seen the music video for the Black Eye Peas' song he is referencing because I don't have cable nor do I really listen to the radio much. "Read? What you reading like that? Have you ever even heard of the BEPs Auntie? (Yes I have) Well, I need you to get some cable!" 
Kids, gotta love 'em!! 

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